WhyNeko Booru

artist xref needed

(page is a work in progress)
Commonly generated by the Pixiv Transloader Bookmarklet, this tag indicates that the post contains an artist-tag which may not match the artist's more commonly used name-tag on sites like WhyNow or Danbooru.

This means that an uploader or passerby should cross-reference (xref) this unconfirmed alternative artist-tag with the more commonly used tag;
If not cross-reference-able, create a new 'permanent' tag based on the nickname on the artists Pixiv-page/Website/Twitter.

Method 1 - Ways to check/correct the artist's name-tag:
  • iqdb.org the image.
  • Look up the md5sum on danbooru. (example needed?)
  • Look up a set of the most unique tags? (give up?)

    Method 2 - Create a new (unique) nickname from the source website
  • todo - break out these methods into details?

  • pixiv_artist_request
  • unknownartist_(pixiv#)
  • *_(pixiv)
  • *_(pixiv#)

    Aliases: none
    Auto tags: none