User Scripts
"User Scripts" is a short term for GreaseMonkey Scripts; where, GreaseMonkey is a browser extension that allows you to customize the way webpages look and function.
What does this mean for users of WhyNeko Booru?
Well, we can create userscripts which enhance and extend your experience with Shimmie, which the booru runs on. If used, these userscripts can add new convenience links and other features to our booru.
How are these different from Transloaders?
Rather then requiring you to clutter your toolbar/favorites with Transloader bookmarks, userscripts will automatically run when you visit a page. This means that we can automatically add content to WhyNeko Booru pages, or even add convenient 'Transload to WhyNeko Booru' links on sites such as *boorus, Pixiv, deviantart, and so on. Cool, huh?
Currently hosted scripts: Post Extras (GreaseMonkey Script) - Adds features to WhyNeko Booru Post pages.
How to use userscripts Chrome has built in support. Just download or open a link to a userscript ending in .user.js and it will popup an installation prompt.
Firefox requires the GreaseMonkey Extension to be installed.
Supported Browsers Google Chrome
Firefox (w/ the GreaseMonkey Extension)
(IE is currently unsupported- you poor souls.)
What does this mean for users of WhyNeko Booru?
Well, we can create userscripts which enhance and extend your experience with Shimmie, which the booru runs on. If used, these userscripts can add new convenience links and other features to our booru.
How are these different from Transloaders?
Rather then requiring you to clutter your toolbar/favorites with Transloader bookmarks, userscripts will automatically run when you visit a page. This means that we can automatically add content to WhyNeko Booru pages, or even add convenient 'Transload to WhyNeko Booru' links on sites such as *boorus, Pixiv, deviantart, and so on. Cool, huh?
Currently hosted scripts:
How to use userscripts
Supported Browsers
(IE is currently unsupported- you poor souls.)