WhyNeko Booru


Welcome to the WhyNow Booru Wiki!

About the Wiki:
* Currently, all tag-wiki-links are connected to danbooru to allow the collective consciousness maintain them. These are the '?' in front of each tag on a WhyNow post page. However, sometimes there is a need for information internal to the WhyNow Booru. Below you will find links to such pages, and how to create them.

Creating wiki pages:
  • A new topic page may be created in one of two ways:
  • Navigating to http://whynow.mine.nu/booru/wiki/your_page.
  • Editing the content of a page to include a link to another page, then following it.

    * The markup language is a mixture of mostly bbcode.
    ** Visit the Shimmie Markup Examples page if you would like examples of what we have discovered to be possible.

    Guidelines for the Published Pages index:
    * This is a collaborative list of wiki pages known to exist on WhyNow Booru.
    * Update this with direct links to topic pages, or sub-index pages to other topics.
    * Please keep them orderly. However, it is always better to log pages.
    * If you are adding many pages, and the list is rather long please consider re-organizing the wiki by creating sub-index pages.


    Aliases: none
    Auto tags: none